On Contrary Quality by the Standard Form Contract as for the Law and its Law Standard 论格式合同之于法律的相悖性及其法律规制
A standard form contract prepared by one party and presented to another party, usually a consumer. 定式合同是指一方采用标准格式而预先准备好的合同,另一方,通常是消费者。
In the market economy, there are advantages and disadvantages for Standard Form Contract. 文章认为,格式条款合同在市场经济中利弊兼存。
Bank form contract is indispensable in financial industry, but consumers have lots of complaints about it on account of incompatibility between its traits and defects in development of banking in China. 银行业格式合同在现代金融服务业务中具有不可替代的地位,但由于格式合同本身的特点和中国银行业的发展状况造成当前银行业格式合同引起了银行业消费者的强烈不满。
Standard Form Contract has been stipulated in the Contract Law of China, but it is imperfect. 我国《合同法》对格式条款合同虽有所规定.但尚欠完善。
The Analysis to the Game Theory of the Standard Form Contract 格式合同的博奕分析
The theory on legal economy believes standard form contract cannot lose economy of transaction cost. 法律经济分析理论认为,交易成本的节约是格式条款制度的动力之源。
Studies on the Standard Form Contract 格式合同之研究
Standard form contract as a basic pattern of the modern trade has been widely used in exchange fields. 格式合同是现代社会大量重复交易的产物,被广泛的应用于交易领域。
The emerge and development of form contract is one of the important symbols in the development of contract law in 20 century. 格式合同的产生和发展是20世纪合同法发展的重要标志之一。
A format contract on the net is a specially written form contract. 网上格式合同是一种特殊的书面合同;
Restricting standard form contract; 对格式合同的限制;
This thesis expounds the concept and legal characteristic of standard form contract, reviews concisely the history and cause of its development, and holds that standard form contract is a new state that the principle of freedom of contract has developed in the modern society. 本文首先阐述了格式合同的概念与法律特征,简要回顾了格式合同的发展历史及其原因,认为格式合同是合同自由原则发展到现代社会所呈现的一种新型状态。
In some way, the applications of Form Contract cut down the troubles for negotiation of the parties concerned and save time and money, therefore reduce the cost of business. 格式合同的采用,在一定程度上减小了合同当事人之间进行谈判磋商的繁文缛节,节约了时间与经费,降低了交易成本。
Structure of the Form Contract and Protection of the Customers 'Right 格式合同的规制与消费者权利的保护
It is essential that we perfect the system of Standard Form Contract of China. 如何完善我国的格式条款合同制度,值得我们思考。
With the increasing of medical dissension, the controversies about whether the operative consent paper is only a form contract and whether it has law force are more and more. 一方面随着医疗纠纷的增多,围绕手术同意书究竟是否是格式合同、手术同意书究竟是否产生法律效力等问题的争议越来越多;
On the Regulations of the Standard Form Contract 论格式合同的控制
The first part of the article emphasize the introduction of standard form contract. which includes five sections. 本文第一部分为格式合同的概说,分为五个层次进行阐述:第一,详细分析了格式合同的概念,指出格式条款的本质特征在于其不可协商性;
Standard form contract comes into being with the development of economy and market monopoly. 格式条款合同的产生具有其经济根源,它是伴随着规模经济和垄断市场的出现而大量产生的。
This kind of contract is called form contract. 这就是格式合同。
Chapter Two assays standard form contract, and studies its advantage and disadvantage. 第二章是从法理的角度对格式条款法律制度作了深入分析,并对格式条款制度的利弊进行了权衡。
The banks use the loopholes in the existing legislation to pass on their own risk and limit the legitimate rights and interests of consumers by a large number of form contract, it has seriously affected the development of our credit consumption and credit card industry. 发卡银行利用现有立法的漏洞大量采用格式条款转嫁自身风险、限制消费者的合法权益。这种状况导致许多信用卡纠纷无法通过法律途径解决,严重影响了我国信用消费和信用卡产业的发展。
There are mainly related to the specific problems of form contract, the customer yields excess reserves ownership, accountability unauthorized payment problems, at the macro level there is lack of legislation, legal coordination, and monitoring and exit mechanism imperfect. 主要涉及的具体问题有格式合同问题、客户备付金的孳息归属问题、未授权支付的责任承担问题等,在宏观上还存在立法缺失、法律协调难、监管及退出机制不完善等问题。
In this context, international trade standard form contract prevails, which greatly accelerates trading convenience. 在此背景下,外贸格式合同获得广泛应用,极大地促进了贸易往来的便捷化。
Rules and regulations form contract. 规制格式合同。
In our Contract Act, the employment of standard form clauses instead of the standard form contract is of great significance both theoretically and practically. 格式条款有多种称谓,我国《合同法》采用格式条款而不是格式合同的概念,在理论上和实践中都具有极为重要的意义。
The second chapter analyzes the theoretical foundation of applications and regulations of international trade standard form contract from the perspective of economics. 第二章从经济学的角度重点分析了外贸格式合同应用与规制的理论基础。
However, the consumer has usually no option but to finalize the deal by means of a standard form contract. 但通常情况下,消费者只能通过格式合同完成交易。对于这种合同,双方不能进行协商,也就是说或者签署或者拒绝。
The rule of law by comparing their ideas, whether it is thought to form contract, or the use government theory, reflects the progress of the times and historical limitations. 通过对比他们的法律思想,不管是契约思想的形成,还是政府理论的运用,都体现了时代进步性和历史局限性。